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Resources for program administrators and researchers looking to use data for family self-sufficiency research.

TANF Data Samples

This repository includes sample synthetic data in the initial TANF data model structure. The TANF data model is comprised of two datasets, one at the case level and one at the member level. The table below briefly describes the TANF data model components. This model is intended to be flexible depending on state interests and data availability, but it is generally designed to facilitate analyses around caseload dynamics, churn, and recidivism.

Core Data Elements Purpose Examples
Individual identifier Identify members and link to cases client ID, member ID
Case identifier Identify cases and link to members case ID
Case type Create categories meaningful to program administrators basic cash assistance, child only
Geographic indicator Classify by jurisdiction county name, region
Basic client demographics Characterize client population DOB/age, gender
Additional Data Elements    
Case status indicators Analyze specific issues; adjust for abnormalities in the data paid late, timed out, recipient of specific intervention
Other benefit receipt Observe other program participation SNAP receipt, Medicaid receipt
Head of household identifier Identify case head of household HOH client ID
Additional client demographics Characterize client population more finely Marital status, race/ethnicity, education attainment, citizenship, refugee

Full documentation for the data model structure is available in an FSSDC research brief.

The R script sample_data_introduction.R reads in the sample TANF data and provides a basic introduction to this data model.